
Beware of Greenwashing


There is a very famous expression in Latin America that says 

"Not all that glitters is gold"


It is a popular adage that invites us to distrust appearances and, 

instead, value the substance of people and the world around us


We can take this same analogy to the aspect of sustainability 

in the real estate world, 

and more specifically to the market of Tulum and the Riviera Maya in Mexico


Hundreds of real estate projects proclaim themselves

 “ecological”, “sustainable” or “eco-chic”


However, a brief look into the guts of some of these projects 

will quickly indicate another case of greenwashing


A concept that refers to the bad practices of some companies

 that present products as respectful of the environment, 

however, they are not


Greenwashing has negative effects that affect 

the performance of investments and the environment


Below I share 6 aspects that you should look closely 

about the real estate projects in which you are considering investing 

so as not to be a victim of greenwashing



Preservation of endemic vegetation


One of the most severe environmental problems 

in Tulum & The Riviera Maya 

is deforestation, produced mainly by the accelerated development 

of urban centers


It is of vital importance 

that new real estate developments preserve 

an important percentage of endemic vegetation 

within the total area that they will be developing

Sustainable Ecological Community near Tulum, Mexico,   preserving 93% of the total area in each lot
Sustainable Ecological Community near Tulum, Mexico, preserving 93% of the total area in each lot

It is important to note that 

destroying endemic vegetation 

and then planting species foreign to the region 

to give projects a "green" touch 

is not considered a sustainable strategy


Housing density


In line with the previous point, 

try to stay away from projects that offer you 

an excessive number of units, 

clearly dissonant with the environment, which, 

in addition to a clear environmental impact, 

will harm the return on your investment


Sewage treatment 


Real estate projects

located in areas not connected

to the urban drainage network

must have an internal wastewater treatment system

so as not to compromise

the health of the ecosystem and the community

Cenotes Mexico
Healthy underground river in Mexico´s Riviera Maya

Bioclimatic architecture


Take advantage of and understand

 the different forces of nature (wind, sun, humidity, temperature) 

to create energy efficient structures 

that will also generate internal spaces 

of maximum comfort

Regenerative Community in Tulum, Mexico considering bioclimatic architecture principles / Comunidad regenerativa en Tulum, México que considera principios de arquitectura bioclimática
Regenerative Community in Tulum, Mexico considering bioclimatic architecture principles

Energy of the sun and the wind


To generate significant savings 

in energy consumption

 and reduce the total carbon footprint of these projects


Sustainable operation


With practices such as classification, management and proper disposal of generated waste,

compost, preference for the use of energy efficient equipment,

proper management of wastewater, mobility and sustainable culture


Analyzing these aspects in depth is essential

 when you are going to carry out an investment

 that is promoted as sustainable

If the project you are evaluating 

lacks solid and verifiable elements in some of these elements, 

you could be facing a possible case of greenwashing.


Prevent your investment, the environment and the community 

from being negatively affected by a bad purchase decision.

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Eco Homes Riviera Maya


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 Quintana Roo Estate Real Estate broker license 
